Mountain Flower takes you through a 20-minute journey within sacred space with the support of the ancestors to help you find clarity in some area of your life. The intention set before the recording makes this audio track suitable for use time and time again. Set your intention in advance with what you want clarity around, and let the sweet sounds of the Native American drums and the ancestors support you in gaining a clearer path forward.

Mountain Flower takes you through a 20-minute journey within sacred space with the support of the ancestors to help you amplify your ability to manifest. The intention set before the recording makes this audio track suitable for use time and time again. Let the sweet sounds of the Native American drums and the ancestors support you in making space for whatever your heart desires.  

Mountain Flower takes you through a 20-minute journey within sacred space with the support of the ancestors to deepen your trust in your higher power. The intention set before the recording makes this audio track suitable for use time and time again. Let the sweet sounds of the Native American drums and the ancestors support you in knowing everything happens for the highest good. You have Source energy flowing in and around you.


Mountain Flower takes you through a 20-minute journey within sacred space with the support of the ancestors to help you trust in the Divine process. Our attachments to what “might happen” can stifle the energy of possibility. The intention set before the recording makes this audio track suitable for use time and time again. Come play with possibility and whatever is for the highest good.

So much love and light to you on the journey 


Mountain Flower takes you through a 20-minute journey within sacred space with the support of the ancestors to help you find some relief when feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. The intention set before the recording makes this audio track suitable for use time and time again. Mountain Flower holds you as the weight of worry is lifted. Feel the presence of the ancestors as they support you in finding balance. 

So much love and light to you on the journey