What Are You Tired Of Doing Over and Over Again?


Have you noticed the Universe is always providing “invitations,” otherwise known as emotional or physical triggers, to help you put an end to a repeat pattern? You’re not alone. Some people notice the pattern but choose not to do anything about it. Others take well intended action but never get to the root of the problem. 


Imagine Shortening The Process Of Moving Through A Setback So You Can Start Putting The Past Behind You, Living Without Fear, and Doing The Work You’re Called To With Ease!

Now there’s a way to significantly accelerate the energetic detachment out of repetitive thoughts, behaviors, or actions that are keeping you stuck!


How would life be different if you stop doubting and started trusting on a visceral level you are right where you need to be?



  • Asking for what you need without hesitation or feeling selfish
  • Trusting you’re always in the right place at the right time
  • Your energy being in alignment with your words and actions
  • No longer needing validation from others
  • Being able to take empowered action instead of striving for perfection
  • Having more energy because you’ve disconnected from dense energies of the past
  • Having the difficult conversations you need to get your relationships in alignment with the support you need

Divinely Aligned© has been called,

“An all encompassing process!”

We’ve Helped Women Struggling With:

  • Connections to energy drains that prevent me from feeling powerful
  • Gaps in self-esteem
  • Self-silencing
  • Letting go of connections to old relationships
  • Letting go of patterns of giving away power
  • Overwhelm
  • Holding boundaries without pissing people off
  • Fear! Worry of wasting my life, time and energy because I’m always holding back
  • Excessive worry about what will happen next
  • Holding self to an unreasonably high standards


Feeling Free Enough To:

  • Put a difficult life event behind you and move on
  • Speaking more directly and deliberately
  • Do the work you’re called to with ease
  • Having a closer relationship with your higher power
  • Take more grounded action in your life purpose


The most common words our clients have used to describe how they feel after experiencing a Divinely Aligned session are:

  • Unconditional love
  • Harmonious
  • Blessed
  • Happy
  • Alert
  • Secure
  • Calm
  • Light
  • Peaceful
  • Clear headed
  • Determined
  • Stronger
  • Confident
  • Tuned in
  • Fulfilled
  • Collected
  • Elated
  • Content

How Would Your Life Improve If You Could Completely Disconnect In ONE DAY From Decades Of Pain And Suffering?


Weeks And Months After Sessions, Clients Have Reported:


  • Clearer on what I want, not letting negative things influence that
  • Sleeping soundly
  • A weight has been lifted off their shoulders
  • Operating from a grounded place, not fear
  • Things are much easier, almost humorous
  • Manifesting thousands of dollars
  • Launching businesses
  • Making decisions easily
  • No more panic attacks
  • Better communication in intimate relationships
  • Improved posture, they can finally sit up straight
  • Asking for what they want easily
  • Blinders are off; I’m seeing people’s true colors, energy & intent
  • Noticing more

Our Clients Describe The Divinely Aligned Process As:


  • Extremely innovative
  • Deep energy work
  • Soul clearing
  • Making way for more of my spirit
  • Clearing the way for intent to be set and lived
  • Working a deep issue from many different angles, all encompassing
  • Life-changing
  • Eye-opening
  • Physically, spiritually & mentally beneficial
  • Freeing

Have you ever felt like some part of your life was no longer in alignment with your mission? Do you take longer to recover from setbacks? Is your connection to Source as strong as you want it to be?

If you answer YES to any of these questions, you are a candidate for this protocol.

Our process is so effective because we hone in on one specific concern. When you’re over-whelmed it’s challenging to focus on what to address first. A simple question can feel like too much to answer. Once the specific concern to address has been determined, the clearing begins. You are guided every step of the way and empowered to listen to your body and spirit. The confidence built throughout the process is unparalleled.

The issue at the surface is not the problem. It’s always something much deeper.

The ego plays a large part in convincing you what you need to feel safe and often misdirects choices out of fear. Once you begin to question what you are doing, who you are, how successful you are, and what you believe you deserve it’s hard to stop the downward spiral alone.


Once we begin, we do not stop until you are finished. It doesn’t matter how long it takes.

Choosing a life of service can be intense! The universe presents you with experiences that shake the foundation of who you are so you gain a deeper understanding of how to help people and be authentic in the process. Without realizing there are energetic patterns that need to be cleared, many practitioners ignore bringing closure to events in life that led them to serve. All it takes is one small trigger to bring back the intensity of an original event. An unconscious pattern left unattended to repeats indefinitely until it is addressed. 



Want To Talk?


Are you ready to see your life with new eyes and start asking for what you want with confidence? This experience is for women who are committed to being free from the unhealthy connections their past has over them. If you want to discuss the possibility of working together, click here here and fill out our pre-call survey. Let’s see if we’re a good fit.